Will Alford, Director Anthony Jones, Assistant Director
Phone: (912)754-6404 Ext. 1245 Phone: (912)754-6404 Ext. 1245
Email: Email:
Office Hours: 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM
Welcome to the ECHS Band page! Here you will find information regarding all of our concert programs, marching band, winter guard, and marching band competition. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Stay Connected
- Band Calendar
- Coastal Empire Classic
- Rebel Regiment Information
- Band Class Information
- Why High School Band?
- Concert Ensembles
- Sponsorship
Band Calendar
Coastal Empire Classic
October 5, 2024
The 42nd Annual Coastal Empire Classic will take place October 5, 2024. Registration is now open!.
Rebel Field
Springfield, GA
The Coastal Empire Classic is one of the most established and prestigious marching contests in the state of Georgia. Now in its 43rd year, the Classic has hosted countless bands and provided an excellent outlet for adjudication and competition.
Founded by the acclaimed Georgia band director and arranger Bill Locklear in 1981, the Coastal Classic was started to provide a top notch contest for the southeast Georgia region. From its humble beginnings as a regional contest, the Classic grew to a multi state marching showcase, drawing groups from all areas of Georgia, as well as South Carolina and North Florida.
The Classic was held at historic Rebel Field in Springfield, GA for its first 20 years of existence. In 2000, the venue changed to the new Rebel field on the campus of ECHS, a state of the art stadium with one of the largest seating capacities in southeast Georgia. The stadium also features a brand new artificial turf field!
Today, the Classic strives to maintain the quality and consistency of judging that have helped make this contest into one of the premier marching events in the state.
CEC Information
Fellow Director,
The Effingham County High School Band Boosters join me in announcing the 43rd annual Coastal Empire Classic on October 5, 2024 at Effingham County High School in Springfield, GA.
Please take a look at our information sheet for this year’s event. We hope that you will find our competition convenient for your group’s needs and we would love to have you participate in this year’s Classic!
Applications for the 2024 Coastal Empire Classic can be submitted online here or through the mail this year.
Please submit entries by September 25th. Any bands that register after September 25th will be charged an additional $25 late fee. Please enclose and submit the appropriate fees as listed below.
Also, please note you will need 2 separate checks to cover your participation fee, and your performance bond.
- Entry fee of $75.00 for competition.
- Performance Bond of $500.00 for Georgia Bands.
Please make all checks payable to:
Effingham County High School Band Boosters Inc.
1589 Highway 119 South
Springfield, GA 31329
The Coastal Classic has been a staple of the Georgia marching competitive circuit for over thirty years. Grand champions and best in class winners have come from every corner of the state, as well as South Carolina and Florida. Our commitment to you is to provide the most positive experience possible for your students to showcase their talents and hard work. Please review our fact sheet for more info and don’t hesitate to contact me. Thanks again and we hope to see you at the 2024 Coastal Empire Classic!
Thank You,
Will Alford
ECHS Director of Bands
912.754.6404 ext. 1245
Register for the Coastal Empire Classic here.
Congratulations Richmond Hill High School Marching Wildcats
Winners of the 2023 Coastal Empire Classic
Rebel Regiment Information
The Rebel Regiment is an award winning outdoor marching ensemble featuring over 220 of the finest students at Effingham County High School. The group performs at games, competitions, and parades. We are very proud of these hardworking and outstanding students. See you at Rebel Field!
Interested in joining the group? Access the 2024-2025 Rebel Regiment Marching Band Invitation here.
Access Marching Band Leadership Documents here.
Samantha Anson |
Taylor Barnes |
Avelyn Fournier |
Delilah Holland |
Hali Mallon |
Lucy Marchese |
Ashlyn Messer |
Iyonna Miller |
Kaylee Montgomery |
Payton Nordman |
Samia O’Neal |
Abigal Rock |
Skyla St. Cere |
Abbygail Stevens |
Kadance Taylor |
Aiden-lynn Tinker |
Skylar Vining |
Lillian Warren |
Ava Wideman |
Donovan Williams |
Hayden Wilson |
Lillian Yager |
Antonio Barnes |
Christian Burke |
Kenzie Floyd |
Matthew Found |
Kendra Goldwire |
Miriam Gruetzbach |
Lillian Holland |
Emily Hovey |
Natalie Johns |
Gracelyn Joyner |
Hailie King |
Xander Kisner |
Sydney Lee |
Evie Lewis |
Megan Mooney |
Brianna Schaar |
Ivanna Scott |
Emily Staton |
Payton Whatley |
Diane Williams |
Caasi Wright |
Bass Clarinet
Alexa Cosgrove |
Jacob Fayville |
Lillian McDaniel |
Dylan Williams |
Alto Saxophone
Cooper Anderson |
Aiden Deskins |
Mason Found |
Kevin Gaspar |
Jaycob Gurganious |
Steven Howard |
Hayden Liverance |
Abby O’Dell |
Hansleigh Page |
Andrea Rodriguez |
Clayton Ruddy |
Tenor Saxophone
Bari Saxophone
Color Guard
Drum Majors
Emma O’Dell
Kate Richardson
Band Class Information
The ECHS band program is made up of about 280 students in five different performance-based classes. These band classes meet during the school day ONLY. They do not rehearse before or after school. Below is a brief description of the performing/class opportunities our program offers:
Concert Band (4th Period)
Typically plays grade III-IV music and is usually made up of underclassmen (9th and 10th graders). If you do not want to participate in the class placement audition in late spring then this is the ensemble you will be placed in. This class also provides the opportunity for upperclassmen in either Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble to learn a new instrument (double).
Advanced Concert Band (3rd Period and STEM 7th period)
This group usually performs grade IV-V music and is typically made up of underclassmen and some juniors. Participation in the spring placement audition (end of April) is required to be in this ensemble unless you attend the STEM Academy.
Symphonic Band (5th Period and STEM 7th period)
Performs grade V-VI level music. At most high schools in our state, this would be the premier performing ensemble in the band program! This class is for motivated students looking to perform at a high level. The group is typically made up of 10th and 11th grade students. Requires spring placement audition.
Wind Ensemble (6th Period)
The top performing group at ECHS. This ensemble performs grade VI music including college level repertoire. The ensemble is made up of mostly upperclassmen that have made District Honor Band or All-State before. This is one of the best concert bands in the southern half of our state! Requires spring placement audition.
Audition Process
Students auditioning for class placement will have to option to either submit a video recording of their audition OR audition in person. To maintain the integrity of the auditions, we are asking students to submit a VIDEO of them playing the material. Mr. Jones and I will be the only people that have access to the audition tapes. Mrs. Murray and Mr. Bright will allow you to post your audition on their Google Classroom pages and share the files with us. If you plan to be in the Concert Band class then you do not need to audition. If you would like to be in a higher ensemble but are unable to audition (i.e., instrument is broken, technology issues, school instrument that you don’t have access to etc.) please let us know. We would like to avoid going off of director recommendation if possible but sometimes it cannot be avoided. If you would like the high school directors to listen to your audition before you submit it, feel free to email me an audio recording, and I’ll be happy to provide feedback! If you need another copy of the audition packet or would like to hear the electronic recording of the etude, you can find it the link below. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just do you best!
Why High School Band?
We asked our students why the band program meant so much to them and why they decided to continue. Here is what they had to say:
Ethan Cerkoney
The reason I chose to do band is because I had always loved playing and instrument and wanted to keep going into high school and I was always ready and know what I wanted to do but when I came to Marching Band I had to think a little bit I didn’t know if it was something that I could commit to but I did it, and it was so much fun I’m really glad that I joined since it helped me make more friend but it also opens up a few doors like what friend I should have and what am I going to do with band in the future? But know that I didn’t have to worry because I had my band family they always looked out for each other and we helped others through different obstacles. One of my favorite things about band and marching band is that I have so many friend in it and the music we play is alway awesome and we have two very great teachers that helped us through the struggle of learning all the music and steps. Doing band has also helped me as a student grow. It is proven that if you do band it will increase your brain capacity but I think I’m still the same but it has helped me get through something’s. Especially if you just think about that one thing you want to pursue and that was band. Band has always been a big deal to me and I hope with all the new 8th graders coming in that it will become a big deal for them as well.
Mallory Goff
I chose to join marching band because I wanted to make friends going into high school. It was also really important to me that I was involved in an after school activity. I was slightly hesitant about joining because I was afraid I wouldn’t have time to balance both band and school, but that really wasn’t the case. I’m really happy that I joined because it gave me something to do as a break from schoolwork, and I met a lot of really great people. My favorite thing about marching band is the relationships I’ve been able to build with my peers. One of the biggest things I have learned through band is how to work towards goals with a group of people. I’ve stayed in band because it is something that I always genuinely look forward to, and I have grown to think of my fellow members as family. I love band because I really enjoy music, I’ve grown to love all of the students and directors involved, and honestly, it’s just really fun. It’s incredibly valuable for students to join band in high school just so that they’re involved in something. It’s really beneficial to be a part of something where you enjoy what you’re doing and that you feel you belong in, and band is an incredibly welcoming community.
Jenna Wells
Were you iffy about joining? Why are you glad you did?
I was very iffy about joining both band and marching band in high school. I kept telling myself that it’d just be too stressful, I wouldn’t have fun, I wouldn’t make friends, that I wouldn’t have the time, and that I wanted to see what else was out there. Well I was completely wrong about those things and just because I decided to stay in band, it didn’t mean that I couldn’t join in on other activities in and outside of school. Band in high school is a completely different environment and I’m so glad that the directors wouldn’t let me quit. Through band I’ve had some of the best experiences that will stay with me through life and met some of the best people who I’ll always be thankful for. It feels like being part of a family and they’ve supported me through so much. You’re never gonna find a more supportive and wonderful group of people than your band family because even though we don’t all get along and we don’t all like each other, we’re still a family and we still care deeply for one another. High school would be so different if I had decided to quit band and I think, looking back, I definitely would have regretted that decision. - Jenna Wells
We asked some of our band parents why the band program was valuable to them. Here is what they had to say:
Amber Pace
Being a part of the Effingham County High band program is one of the best things your child can do in high school! Joining the Rebel Regiment was the most valuable thing my child has done. My child was nervous about the amount of work and time that marching band would take, but after the first day of band camp he was hooked. The sense of belonging along with the friendships he has built has made all the difference in my child. He has a new found confidence and determination after being part of the program for just one year. He is so excited about the coming years that he will spend with this group of fine young people. The leadership of the band program is outstanding and if you choose to become involved as a parent, you yourself will benefit from the program as well. I have made new friends and thoroughly enjoy being with the students while helping out. Your child will not regret becoming part of this fantastic organization.
Angela Jackson
The band program has made a huge impact on my child. It has taught him self-discipline, leadership skills, and a wide variety of work ethics. The leadership skills that he developed in Marching Band carried over to his other classes. As he is now a member of the Senior class of 2020, the band has become a second family to us. We have spent countless hours from practices to road trips and have develop phenomenal relationships with other parents students through out our 4 years of band. The upperclassmen took him under their wing and showed him how to march, count, and play his instrument with a sense of ease. I still remember his first day of 9th grade, he was calm in every aspect, he knew that if he had any questions or concerns that the upperclassmen had his back. As a rookie parent, I was scared, nervous about getting involved. The veteran parents welcomed me with open arms and I have developed some of the best relationships with the best parents. They showed me how to get involved and be a great asset to a fantastic organizations. Our directors take pride in what they do and strive to showcase the talents of each and every child in the band program at ECHS.
Marcy Parker
Band has provided my son with many opportunities to travel to various areas he would have otherwise not visited. Band has helped him become comfortable performing in front of large audiences. Also, his time in Band has made it easier for him to learn how to play various instruments, such as guitar and piano. Socially, Band provides a great peer group for teens to be involved with consistently. Band has simply been a lot of fun for him!
- Music enhances your creativity and confidence
- Music engages both the logical/rational and the affective/emotional sides of the brain.
- Brain scans of people making music show a majority of the brain engaged. No other human activity provides the same type of neurological engagement.
- Music is a uniquely human experience. Anthropologists have yet to discover a human culture that does not make music.
- Music has a powerful emotional quality, and has served as an important means to bonding cultures and communities. “Music begins where words fail.”
- Music pushes you to look beyond what currently exists and express yourself in a new way.
- Music enhances the ability to connect disparate or even contradictory ideas.
- Music connects people of different cultures through the universality of music.
- Classical antiquity felt music was so important to a complete education, it was considered one of the seven core subjects.
- Music has a strong connection with math, which is embedded in the patterns of the music, physics of sound, scales, key signatures, and rhythm. These patterns were what fascinated Albert Einstein so much about music. “I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music.” ~Albert Einstein
- Music provides an emotional release which promotes the release of healthy endorphins and helps to reduce stress hormones, which can be elevated in adolescents. Students often say, “Music is my escape and makes me feel good.”
How to Make Your Child's Schedule Work
Trying to figure out the scheduling process can be quite daunting! Regardless of what you hear, we can typically find a way to include a band class in your child's schedule. Many incoming freshmen are terrified of having to choose a "pathway" for their future. Good news is, band actually counts as a pathway! Most of our students complete the band pathway and still have additional elective space to complete several other pathways or try new potential classes as well. Bottom line is, we can work with just about any schedule to best benefit your child. Currently we have about 90 students in our band classes that attend the STEM Program at the Effingham College & Career Academy. Many more attend the Effingham College & Career Academy and several are even a part of the dual enrollment program. Please let us know how we can help you navigate this process!
Concert Ensembles
ARE YOU A BUSINESS OWNER...or do you know business owner who would like to sponsor the Rebel Regiment?
SPONSORING THE a wonderful way to promote your business while also supporting the Rebel Regiment. |
THERE ARE MANY...sponsorship opportunities available. Official sponsors will receive a link on our website and the Rebel Regiment Facebook page, an ad in our Coastal Classic Program Book, and/or other possible promotions depending on your level of sponsorship. |