National Honor Society
NHS is the nation’s premier organization to recognize exceptional high school students. More than just an honor roll, the four main purposes of the NHS are: “To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.” (NHS Constitution)
NHS members must meet the following criteria:
● Scholarship: Demonstrated by a cumulative grade point average of 93 or above.
● Service: Defined through the voluntary contributions made to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit.
● Leadership: Exhibited through resourcefulness, problem-solving, promotion of school activities, contribution of ideas, and evidence of positive attitudes. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
● Character: Displayed by upholding principles of morality and ethics, as well as cooperation, and the demonstration of high standards of honesty and reliability. This includes being courteous, concerned, respectful of others, and maintaining a good and clean lifestyle.
“The National Honor Society and NHS are duly registered trademarks of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Unauthorized copying or use of said trademarks is strictly prohibited.”
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month in room 913 at 7:45 am and the third Thursday of the month virtually at 7:00 pm.
Payment of Dues
Dues are $30 for the year for first time members, and $25 per year for returning members.
Please pay by cash or check during September or October club meetings.
We are NOT using MySchoolBuck at this time.
Advisor & Officers
Mr. Anthony Di Lorenzo
President: Emily Perkins
Vice President: Emma O'Dell
Treasurer: Bentley Braswell
Secretary: Matthew Sweeney
Publicator: Kyleena Gafford