Media Release Policy
At the start of each school year, parents have the opportunity to determine whether or not a child’s name, likeness and/or classwork can be posted on the internet in either video or photographic form. The Student/Parent Handbook contains a separate section that must be signed and initialed by parents to indicate the acknowledgement of our Media Release (as well as other) policies. Below you will find our policy for the use of student images, videos and examples of excellent work in the classroom.
Publicity Releases & Web Publications
Effingham County Schools publicize students’ outstanding achievements and activities through various media. This may include, but is not limited to, honor roll lists, yearbooks, photographs and videos of classroom and/or extracurricular activities. In addition, exemplary student work, student pictures, and student’s first and last names may be published on school-sponsored websites. Parents, legal guardians, or eligible students may make a written request to the principal of the school where a student is enrolled, within 10 days of enrollment or the first 10 days of the academic school year, to request that such information not be published or used on any school-sponsored websites.
Please note that you must take action if you do not want anything related to your child posted on the school or district website. You can find the full entire Verification of Receipt form here.
Acceptable Use Policy
Technology & Internet Use:
The Internet is available to students and school employees to increase the use of technology as a teaching and learning tool. Our goal is to promote student achievement and facilitate communication in order to share resources in education, business, government, and science. Use of these resources is considered a privilege to which great responsibility is attached. To that end, the Board of Education has enacted a strict policy agreement governing acceptable use of the Internet and technology resources. The agreement is found in the link below. Parents wishing to prohibit their child's ability to access the Internet should provide notice in writing to the school.