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Contact Us

Important Phone Numbers

ECHS Front Office
912-754-6404, x. 1221

ECHS Counselors' Office
912-754-6404, x. 1223

ECHS Principal's Office
912-754-6404, x. 1246

ECHS Athletic Director/Assistant Principals' Office
912-754-6404, x. 1270

ECHS Testing Coordinator
912-754-6404, x. 1259

ECHS Instructional Supervisor's Office
912-754-6404, x. 1227

ECHS Fax Number

Cap & Gowns/Graduation items/Class Rings
Herff Jones, Statesboro, Ga. - 912-764-9314
School contact: Keith Martin - 912-754-6404

Walsworth Yearbooks of Marceline, Mo.
School Contact: Tara Aiken, Click Here to Email Mrs. Aiken

Leonard's Studios of St. Augustine, Fla. - 1-800-215-4852
School contact: Tara Aiken, Click Here to Email Mrs. Aiken

Follow us on Social Media!

Facebook:  Effingham County Rebels

Instagram:   @effingham_county_rebels

                               Athletics Instagram:  @effinghamathletics

